People think very carefully before making the decision to migrate. The decision is likely to be a combination of:
PUSH FACTORS - Negative things about the place where you are which make you want to leave. These might include low pay, lack of job opportunities, war and conflict, environmental problems and other factors. PULL FACTORS - Positives things about the place you decide to move to. These might just be perceived positives (ie they might not actually exist when you arrive). They might include opportunities in education and employment, better housing and infrastructure, social factors. |
Work in pairs to create a simple mind map (it could be like the one on the right with a colour key to show which are push and pull factors or more like the one below) which lists as many causes of migration as you can. Your diagram MUST show push and pull factors clearly.
Discuss you own experiences, things you have read about and seen on TV. You could also check some of the resources below: |